Three Day Weekend

April 9, 2012
My three day was good. I got a new game. Played it with most of my friends. Easter was alright the food was good.

"Describe your favorite character from a book, a movie, or television."

April 2, 2012
My favorite character Flash from anything. Hes in comics, movies, and television. Fastest superhero alive and funniest to me.
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"What would happen if there was no Internet?"

February 16, 2012

I don't think anything would happen to me i think. I only use it to do my homework. Spanish homework that's the only thing. I probly wouldn't be able to do alot of things though honestly. I wouldn't be bored though, I got more things to do.

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"If I could change one thing about our school I would..."

February 13, 2012
If I could change one thing about our school I would change the dress code. We should go back with regular everyday, what everyone wants to wear. Theres nothing wrong with uniforms, its just its better to be different sometimes. We need to be free to express ourselves.
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"Describe how your mother looks when she smiles at you."

February 9, 2012
I dont know. I can't tell, by her just smiling at me. I would guess happiness though. It's better if she smiles then be mad cause when she smiles I automatically smile.
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"If you could take a bus trip anywhere, where would you go? Why?"

February 8, 2012
I would take a bus to Washington D.C. I would like to see the neighborhood of the whitehouse. Maybe meet the president. Stay there in the winter to see if it snows. I might try this one day, good idea for a vacation.
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"Tell about a time that you did something that took a lot of nerve, a time when you didn't follow the crowd."

February 6, 2012
I cannot relate to this subject.
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"It must be difficult to be a parent."

February 3, 2012

It must be difficult to be a parent. Having to pay for there food, clothes, and electronics, etc. Them getting into trouble and you figureing out what to do. Keeping them safe and secure, making sure they have a good education. It's hard trying to be a good parent, but sometimes I don't see how they do it.

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